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Offer #28883 - How to Make Space in Your Life to Start Living the Life You Want

How to Make Space in Your Life to Start Living the Life You Want

How to Make Space in Your Life to Start Living the Life You Want

How to Make Space in Your Life to Start Living the Life You Want

Do you ever feel like your life is filled with busyness and chaos, leaving little room for joy, purpose, and simplicity? If so, it's time to create space in your life to attract the life you truly desire. By making small changes and adopting a positive mindset, you can start living the life you want. Here are 35 tips to help you make space in your life:

Create Space for Resilience with a Positive Mindset

A positive mindset is a powerful tool that can inspire change in your life and the lives of others. It's about consciously focusing on the good while acknowledging and honoring the bad. By amplifying the positive aspects of any situation, you can create space for resilience and attract joy, purpose, and simplicity.

Create Space for Growth by Setting Personal Goals

Setting personal goals is an easy way to be more intentional about your life and the person you want to become. By constantly striving to be a better version of yourself, you can create space for growth and personal development.

Create Space for Gratitude by Acknowledging and Honoring Your Negative Feelings

Gratitude may not come naturally to everyone, especially if you tend to be a negative person. However, by practicing the oil & vinegar method of journaling, you can create space for gratitude. Start by writing down all your negative thoughts (the vinegar), and then observe if any neutral or positive thoughts (the oil) arise about the situation. This practice allows you to find gratitude and learn from challenging experiences.

Create Space to Pause When You Don't Know What to Do

When faced with uncertainty or difficult decisions, it's important to create space to pause and reflect. Sometimes, doing nothing is the best response. Take at least 24 hours before responding to something hurtful or making impulsive decisions. This pause allows you to think more clearly and make better choices.

Create Space to Build Self-Esteem by Doing Esteemable Acts

Increase your self-esteem by engaging in esteemable acts. Accept help and put yourself first to heal and recover. Once you've taken care of yourself, you'll find that helping others leaves you feeling better and more fulfilled.

Create Space to Protect Your Energy by Limiting Time with Draining People

Every encounter either energizes or drains us. Observe how you feel after spending time with someone. If they drain your energy, limit your time with them. Creating space from draining people allows you to protect your energy and focus on what truly matters.

Create Space for Serenity by Letting Go of Expectations

Let go of expectations and embrace serenity. Understand that you cannot control others or expect them to act in a certain way. Similarly, set personal goals but accept that you are human and allow yourself to grow at your own pace. Avoid "shoulding" all over yourself and others.

Create Space for Deep and Meaningful Conversations with Your Partner

Strengthen your relationship by creating space for deep and meaningful conversations with your partner. Take turns asking each other thought-provoking questions during car rides or hikes. This practice allows you to connect on a deeper level and foster intimacy.

Create Space for Happiness with Meditation

Meditation is a powerful tool for creating space for happiness in your life. It doesn't have to be complicated or time-consuming. You can even try sleep meditation by setting an alarm 20 minutes before waking up, playing a guided meditation, and going back to sleep. Explore different meditation techniques and find what works best for you.

Create Space for Your True Authentic Self by Facing Your Addictions

If you're struggling with addictive behaviors, it's essential to create space for healing and recovery. Seek help from a medical professional or someone you trust. By facing your addictions head-on, you can strip away negative patterns and discover your true authentic self.

Create Space for Abundance by Letting Go of Scarcity Mindset

Shift from scarcity mindset to abundance mindset by letting go of fear and competition. Embrace the idea that there is enough success, love, and opportunities for everyone. Share knowledge, support others, and focus on collaboration rather than competition.

Create Space for Peace by Coming to Terms with Death

Accepting the inevitability of death can bring peace into your life. Embrace Buddhist teachings that emphasize death as a part of life. By acknowledging the impermanence of life, you can appreciate each moment and live with greater serenity.

Create Space for Self-Compassion by Accepting Your Flaws and Imperfections

Embrace self-compassion by accepting your flaws and imperfections. Remember that no one is perfect, and it's okay to make mistakes. As Leonard Cohen beautifully said, "There is a crack in everything, that's how the light gets in." Love yourself unconditionally and celebrate your uniqueness.

Create Space to Get to Know the Real You by Journaling Every Day

Journaling is a powerful practice for self-discovery. Set aside time every day to journal and explore your thoughts, feelings, and desires. Journaling allows you to gain insight into your true authentic self, process emotions, and let go of negativity.

Create Space to Find Purpose by Stripping Away Unnecessary Distractions

Simplify your life by stripping away unnecessary distractions. Identify what truly matters to you and focus on those priorities. By decluttering your physical and mental space, you can create room for purpose and fulfillment.


Creating space in your life is essential for attracting joy, purpose, and simplicity. By adopting a positive mindset, setting personal goals, practicing gratitude, and letting go of expectations, you can make space for the life you truly desire. Embrace these tips and start living the life you want today!

What will you create space for?

If you're looking for more inspiration on minimalism and creating space in your life, check out our favorite benefits here.

Services :: An on demand training that will help you create the mental, emotional, and energetic space you need to start going after your dreams and making the changes you want in your life. This is for women who feel like if they only had more time or more energy they could finally start to have the life they want or could make the changes to get to it. If you KNOW there is more in life out there for you but feel like you're too tired or too busy to make it happen, this training is for you. Accelerate toward the life you want when you join the Training. See you on the inside! Discover more when you click here: https://www.tealshoopcoaching.com/how-to-make-space-in-your-life

Released on Monday 18 March 2024 - Total : $0 - Past 30 days : $0 (1st tier : 50% - 2nd tier : 0%)

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