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Community Guidelines - Amazon Customer Service

Community Guidelines - Amazon Customer Service

Guidelines for Amazon.com Community participation.

Amazon.com wants your voice to be heard! The Amazon Community provides various features for engaging other users and sharing authentic feedback about products and services - positive or negative. These Community Guidelines help you use Community features, including Customer Reviews, Customer Questions & Answers, Amazon Follow, Profile pages, Outfit Compare, Style Check, Spark, Digital and Device Forums, Registries and Lists.

Note: These Guidelines do not apply to content included within products or services sold on Amazon, which are subject to separate policies.

We take the integrity of the Community seriously. Any attempt to manipulate Community content or features, including by contributing false, misleading, or inauthentic content, is strictly prohibited. If you violate our Guidelines, we may restrict your ability to use Community features, remove content, delist related products, or suspend or terminate your account. If we determine that an Amazon account has been used to engage in any form of misconduct, remittances and payments may be withheld or permanently forfeited. Misconduct may also violate state and federal laws, including the Federal Trade Commission Act, and can lead to legal action and civil and criminal penalties.

We encourage anyone who suspects that content manipulation is taking place or that our Guidelines are being violated in any way to notify us. We investigate concerns thoroughly and take any appropriate actions.

By accessing or using our Community features, you agree to our Conditions of Use and to abide by these Guidelines as modified from time to time. These Guidelines apply to any content (including text, images, video, and links) you submit to Amazon and actions you take (such as voting on helpfulness or smiling at a post) when using Community features. These Guidelines also apply to your interactions with other members of the Community.

Note: Additional guidelines apply to Customer Reviews.


To contribute to Customer features (for example, Customer Reviews, Customer Answers, Idea Lists) or to follow other contributors, you must have spent at least $50 on Amazon.com using a valid credit or debit card in the past 12 months. Promotional discounts don't qualify towards the $50 minimum. In addition, to contribute to Spark you must also have a paid Prime subscription (free Prime trials do not qualify). You do not need to meet this requirement to read content posted by other contributors or post Customer Questions, or create or modify Profile pages, Shopping Lists, Wish Lists or Registries.

Be Helpful and Relevant

The Community is intended to provide helpful, relevant content to customers. Content you submit should be relevant and based on your own honest opinions and experience.

For Community features focused on a specific topic, you should only submit content related to that topic. Customer Reviews and Questions and Answers should be about the product. Feedback about the seller, your shipment experience, or packaging can be shared at www.amazon.com/feedback or www.amazon.com/packaging. Comments about pricing, product availability or alternate ordering options are also not about the product and should not be shared in Customer Reviews or Questions and Answers.

Respect Others

Amazon values diverse opinions, so you may disagree with some content that you come across. Keep in mind that something that may be disagreeable to you may not violate our Guidelines. In order to maintain a welcoming environment for all users, your participation in the Community must always be respectful of others. In particular:

Don't post content that is libelous, defamatory, harassing, threatening, or inflammatory. For example, don't use obscenities or profanity, and don't express hatred or intolerance for people on the basis of race, ethnicity, nationality, gender or gender identity, religion, sexual orientation, age, or disability, including by promoting organizations with such views. Don't post content that is obscene, pornographic, or lewd, or that contains nudity or sexually explicit images. Don't post content that invades others' privacy. For example, don't post other people's phone numbers, email addresses, mailing addresses, or other personal information, and don't post links to phishing or other malware sites. Don't impersonate other people or organizations or pretend to be someone or something you're not. Don't repeatedly send messages or requests to other people. Don't attempt to drown out other people's opinions, including by posting from multiple accounts or coordinating with others. Don't engage in name-calling or attack people based on whether you agree with them. You may question the beliefs and expertise of others as long as it is relevant and done in a respectful and non-threatening manner.

Promotions and Commercial Solicitations

In order to preserve the integrity of Community content, content and activities consisting of advertising, promotion, or solicitation (whether direct or indirect) is not allowed, including:

Creating, modifying, or posting content regarding your (or your relative's, close friend's, business associate's, or employer's) products or services. Creating, modifying, or posting content regarding your competitors' products or services. Creating, modifying, or posting content in exchange for compensation of any kind (including free or discounted products, refunds, or reimbursements) or on behalf of anyone else. Offering compensation or requesting compensation (including free or discounted products) in exchange for creating, modifying, or posting content. Posting advertisements or solicitations, including URLs with referrer tags or affiliate codes.

The only exceptions are:

You may post content requested by Amazon (such as Customer Reviews of products you purchased on Amazon or received through the Vine program, and answers requested through Questions and Answers). In those cases, your content must comply with any additional guidelines specified by Amazon. You may post an answer to a question asked through the Questions and Answers feature (but not a question itself) regarding products or services for which you have a financial or close personal connection to the brand, seller, author, or artist, but only if you clearly and conspicuously disclose the connection (for example, "I represent the brand for this product."). We automatically label some answers from sellers or manufacturers, in which case additional disclosure is not necessary. You may post content other than Customer Reviews and Questions and Answers regarding products or services for which you have a financial or close personal connection to the brand, seller, author, or artist, but only if you clearly and conspicuously disclose the connection (e.g., "I was paid for this post."). However, no brand or business may participate in the Community in a way (including by advertising, special offers, or any other "call to action") that diverts Amazon customers to another non-Amazon website, service, application, or channel for the purpose of conducting marketing or sales transactions. Content posted through brand, seller, author, or artist accounts regarding their own products or services does not require additional labeling.

Book authors and publishers may continue to provide free or discounted copies of their books to readers, as long as the author or publisher does not require a review in exchange or attempt to influence the review.

Sexual Content

Some products containing sexual content and some sex and sensuality products are permitted to be sold on Amazon, and we encourage users to express their opinions about those products. Some sexual content such as nudity and sexually explicit images or descriptions is restricted because audiences within our Community may be sensitive to that content.

Infringing Content

Don't post content or interact with other members of the Community in a way that infringes the intellectual property or other proprietary rights of others. Only post your own content or content that you have permission to use.

Illegal Activity

Don't post content that encourages or supports behavior that is illegal, including violence, fraud, illegal drug use, underage drinking, or child or animal abuse. Examples of prohibited content include:

Content advocating, threatening, or joking about physical or financial harm to yourself or others, including terrorism. Content offering fraudulent goods, services, schemes, or promotions (e.g., make-money-fast schemes, pyramid schemes). Content posted intentionally as sarcasm as it relates to self-harm or harm to others. Content that encourages or supports the dangerous misuse of a product.

Additional Guidelines for Customer Reviews

The following guidelines apply to Customer Reviews in addition to the other guidelines given above:

If your review is removed or rejected because it does not comply with our guidelines concerning promotional content, you may not resubmit a review on the same product, even if the resubmitted review includes different content. Reviews may only include URLs or links to other products sold on Amazon. Customers in the same household may not post multiple reviews of the same product. Customers can submit five non-Amazon Verified Purchase reviews each week. Non-Amazon Verified Purchase review counts are calculated each week from Sunday at 12:00am GMT through Saturday 11:59pm GMT. This policy does not apply to Vine reviews or reviews on digital and physical books, music, and video. We may restrict the ability to submit a review when we detect unusual reviewing behavior, or to maintain the best possible shopping experience. You may not manipulate the Amazon Verified Purchase badge, such as by offering special pricing to reviewers or reimbursing reviewers.

Reporting Abuse

For some types of content, including Customer Reviews and Customer Answers, you can report possible violations of these Guidelines by clicking the "Report abuse" link near the content and entering the reason you believe it violates these Guidelines. If no "Report abuse" link is available, you may email community-help@amazon.com specifying the location of the content and the reason you believe it violates these Guidelines. If you receive an offer for compensation of any kind (including free or discounted products, refunds, or reimbursements) in exchange for creating, modifying, or posting content in violation of these Guidelines, forward the offer including contact information and Amazon listing to community-help@amazon.com

Money :: Learn How to Leverage Amazon To Make Extra Money Doing Product Reviews! Explore the right steps to apply for an Amazon Influencer Account and tips to be approved for the onsite official program! Once granted approval by Amazon, you can establish your storefront which this guide also shows you how, create video reviews that actually sell (with examples in the guide), and generate monthly commissions directly through the Amazon platform. No need to drive traffic to links! Amazon is doing that for you!!! This is truly a passive income opportunity. Make reviews videos once and earn every time a customer makes a qualifying purchase after watching your video. Discover the art of earning online without the necessity of showing your face or engaging on social media. This program is available to individuals residing in the USA, Canada, UK, India, France, Italy, Spain, and Germany. What you will get: a step-by-step guide with the whole process and important tips - downloadable pdf.

Released on Saturday 17 February 2024 - Total : $0 - Past 30 days : $0 (1st tier : 30% - 2nd tier : 0%)

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