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Are you looking for an effective way to learn casual French? Look no further than French Whispherer's 350 Videos to Learn Casual French! This comprehensive course is designed to help you quickly and easily learn the language of love. With 350 videos, you'll be able to learn the basics of French conversation, as well as more advanced topics such as grammar, pronunciation, and culture.

French Whispherer's 350 Videos to Learn Casual French is the perfect way to get started with learning the language. The videos are divided into easy-to-follow sections, so you can focus on the topics that interest you most. Each video is accompanied by a transcript and a quiz, so you can test your understanding of the material. Plus, the videos are available in both French and English, so you can switch back and forth between the two languages as needed.

The course also includes a variety of helpful resources, such as audio recordings, flashcards, and a dictionary. You can even access the course from your smartphone or tablet, so you can learn on the go. With French Whispherer's 350 Videos to Learn Casual French, you'll be able to master the language in no time!

So what are you waiting for? Start learning casual French today with French Whispherer's 350 Videos to Learn Casual French!

Services :: 🔔🔔🔔 Offer my three gifts and subsequently, if your contact purchases my FRENCH WHISPERER supplemental material to 'modernize' their teaching style, you will receive a COMMISSION of 50% on the program! Not only I chose to share with you equally by giving you 50% of your sales as an affiliate, but if you learn to speak French like the natives, you will sound sexier, more confident and you will attract attention. My Youtube channel 'French Whisperer' will give you more details on the pronunciation. I will also discuss certain points that might help you learn French faster and for good. ➡️ WHO AM I : My name is Christian Aubert, founder of FRENCH WHISPERER (former SmartFrench). I sold tens of thousands of my products all over the world. I am a member of AATF the American Association of Teachers of French. ➡️ WHAT IS FRENCH WHISPERER : My program French Whisperer of more than 350 videos focuses on helping you to speak French the way it is casually spoken by all francophones wherever they were born, France, Quebec, Africa, Tahiti, etc... and regardless of their age, gender, social background or profession. After you discover your first basic words, the program invites you to go through a step by step approach to real genuine conversations recorded with a French General Consul, a French teacher, a model, a chef, etc... You will learn to detect the contractions and you will develop an instinctive relation to the language that will never fade. You will practice with the French by imitating them in detail. Your accent will be very nice and your comprehension much improved. Some will be relieved from years of frustration. A few of our interviewees speak slowly. Others speak faster. You will be naturally prepared to be able to handle the last exercise, which is to imitate the French actors on 280 short trailer excerpts with links on youtube. ➡️ THE FEE: There is no fee. My gifts are free. Just give them away by promoting the opt-in page. If you prefer you can just send them the sales page (page de vente). When the person you gave it to is interested and buys the course, you will receive 50% commission. If 70% of the assembly of teachers grabbed the program, my guess is that teachers and students as well as schools will see a great potential in acquiring it and promoting it, especially that my offer today is at a huge discount! The event I am talking about was at CSUN, Northridge University, close to Los Angeles. I only had my first software then and the French department had generously proposed to introduce me to the seminar for French teachers. I sold my product to 70% of them. I don't know if it was because they could feel that French Whisperer (then SmartFrench) improves the accent extremely fast, or if they knew that it could be used as an awesome supplemental material for their students, but I was very pleased with the reception. My presence on the social networks will intensify. I am glad to be counting you among the pioneers of the French Whisperer system (ex-SmartFrench). Thank you for helping me to promote the French language through the use of my method. Merci et à bientôt. GO GO GO It's time to make some cash! Send an email to your list! Post your affiliate link on the social networks!

Released on Thursday 8 October 2020 - Total : $0 - Past 30 days : $0 (1st tier : 0% - 50% - 2nd tier : 0%)

(Click here to get all the details in a new window)


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