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Offer #24815 - Madame Menopause Hypnotherapy Programme

Madame Menopause Hypnotherapy Programme

Madame Menopause Hypnotherapy Programme

The Madame Menopause Hypnotherapy Programme is a revolutionary new approach to helping women move through the midlife and menopause journey with grace and positivity. Developed by Jacinta Richmond, a Master Hypnotherapist and founder of the Madame Menopause Movement, this programme is designed to help women embrace their bodies for the miracles they are and bring a swing to their hips.

The programme is based on the idea that the capitalist consumer culture of recent decades has been harsher on a woman's body than generations before. This can lead to grief and self-hatred when our bodies change during the menopause and midlife journey. The Madame Menopause Hypnotherapy Programme seeks to change this culture by helping women focus on positive body appreciation and create a global movement of women embracing their bodies.

The programme consists of six modules, each focusing on different aspects of body appreciation. These include: understanding the power of the mind, learning to love your body, creating a positive body image, developing self-care practices, and more. Each module includes hypnosis sessions, guided meditations, and other activities to help participants learn to appreciate their bodies.

The Madame Menopause Hypnotherapy Programme is an invaluable resource for any woman looking to move through the midlife and menopause journey with grace and positivity. With its focus on positive body appreciation, it is sure to help create a global movement of women embracing their bodies for the miracles they are.

Health :: There is no other programme like this in the world right now. Menopause is the largest growing trend amongst women aged over 40. There are over a billion women over age 40 globally, and with generations of women still to come, this is an never ending target market around the world. Women who are aged 40 and over have over 84 menopause symptoms. The most common is weight gain and the lowered self esteem that comes with that. Madame Menopause is a 5 week downloadable hypnosis programme that focuses on positive body appreciation (and it appears that weight loss is a side effect).

Released on Monday 11 December 2023 - Total : $0 - Past 30 days : $0 (1st tier : 20% - 2nd tier : 0%)

(Click here to get all the details in a new window)


SystemeIO :

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1TPE (french offers) :

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SystemeIO Plans