Offer #20730 - Road To Recovery Course
Road To Recovery Course
Road To Recovery Course: A Comprehensive Guide to Overcoming Trauma
The Road To Recovery Course is a comprehensive guide designed to help individuals who have experienced trauma in their lives. This course provides an in-depth look at how to cope with and overcome the effects of trauma, as well as strategies for building resilience and developing healthy coping skills. It also covers topics such as understanding the impact of trauma on the brain, recognizing signs of trauma, and developing effective communication skills.
The course is divided into four modules, each focusing on a different aspect of recovery. The first module focuses on understanding the impact of trauma on the brain and body. The second module covers recognizing signs of trauma and developing effective communication skills. The third module focuses on developing resilience and healthy coping skills. Finally, the fourth module focuses on creating a plan for recovery.
The Road To Recovery Course is an invaluable resource for anyone who has experienced trauma in their life. It provides an in-depth look at how to cope with and overcome the effects of trauma, as well as strategies for building resilience and developing healthy coping skills. With this course, individuals can learn how to create a plan for recovery that is tailored to their individual needs.
Health :: Its a self help Opiate addiction Recovery course. A course to help those who are struggling with opiate addiction find help and take the first step twords a new life. if i can save just one life with this course than its worth it. I myself was an addict for twelve years and i know the shame and utter hoplessness that comes with it, i am sober now for six years and with all the young people dying from fentanyl now i needed to do something. so i created this course. the course will sell for $99.00 and im offering a 30% commission.
Released on Saturday 14 October 2023 - Total : $0 - Past 30 days : $0 (1st tier : 30% - 2nd tier : 0%)
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