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Offer #16517 - Great Power

Great Power

Great Power

Great Power is a term used to describe a sovereign state with significant diplomatic, economic, and military strength to exert power in international affairs. It is a term that has been used since the Concert of Europe, a general consensus on international relations in Europe that prevailed following the Congress of Vienna in 1814–15. The consensus acknowledged Austria, France, Great Britain, Russia, and Prussia as the great powers of Europe in the post-Napoleonic era.

The criteria and responsibilities of a great power can be difficult to pinpoint. Robert Stewart, Viscount Castlereagh, the British foreign minister at the Congress of Vienna, argued that the control of negotiations at the time should depend on the countries with the greatest population and weight. German historian Leopold von Ranke suggested in 1833 that a great power “must be able to maintain itself against all others, even when they are united,” citing Prussia under Frederick II as an example. Since the 20th century, the study of international relations has focused on great powers’ exertion of both military strength and economic resourcefulness to achieve hegemonic influence.

Becoming a great power involves substantial military and economic investment, which is usually outweighed by the benefits of expansion. However, it is not always expedient for a great power to continue bolstering its posture in the international balance of power, and it is eventually faced with the choice to cut costs or outspend its capabilities. Such choices coincide with periods of decline in which a state may cease to maintain its great power status.

After World War II devastated most of the great powers of Europe, the United States and the Soviet Union were left as the major powers in the global arena (and were dubbed “superpowers”). After the dissolution of the Soviet Union, the superpower status of the United States was challenged primarily by the rise of Russia and China as great powers. Other sizable countries with emerging economies, like Brazil, India, and South Africa—sometimes collectively called, along with Russia and China, “BRICS”—also demonstrated rising influence in this period. The European Union, although not a nation-state in its own right, has also challenged the unipolarity of the United States’ influence by means of its considerable area, population, and wealth.

Hobbies :: The law of attraction is a philosophy suggesting that positive thoughts bring positive results into a person's life, while negative thoughts bring negative outcomes. It is based on the belief that thoughts are a form of energy and that positive energy attracts success in all areas of life, including health, finances, and relationships. Based on these lofty promises, it begs the question: Is the law of attraction real? While the law of attraction has generated attention in recent years due to books like 'The Secret,' it lacks scientific evidence for its claims and is generally viewed as a pseudoscience. The Laws of Attraction How does the law of attraction work? Essentially, the energy of your thoughts manifest your experiences. So positive thoughts manifest positive experiences and vice versa. Advocates suggest there are central universal principles that make up the law of attraction:

Released on Saturday 27 May 2023 - Total : $0 - Past 30 days : $0 (1st tier : 50% - 2nd tier : 5%)

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