Rapid Profit Machine


Offer #15679 - Landing Page in a Day course (with upsells & downsells)

Landing Page in a Day course (with upsells & downsells)

Landing Page in a Day course (with upsells & downsells)

Are you looking for a way to quickly create a landing page with upsells and downsells?

If so, then the Landing Page in a Day course from Love Cola is just what you need. This comprehensive course will teach you how to create a landing page with upsells and downsells in just one day.

What You'll Learn in the Landing Page in a Day Course

How to create a high-converting landing page in one day How to set up upsells and downsells on your landing page How to optimize your landing page for maximum conversions How to test and measure the performance of your landing page

The Landing Page in a Day course is designed to help you quickly and easily create a high-converting landing page with upsells and downsells. You'll learn how to set up the page, optimize it for maximum conversions, and test and measure its performance.

The course includes step-by-step video tutorials, detailed written instructions, and access to a private Facebook group for support and advice. Plus, you'll get lifetime access to the course materials, so you can refer back to them whenever you need.

Start Creating Your Landing Page Today

If you're ready to start creating your own high-converting landing page with upsells and downsells, then the Landing Page in a Day course from Love Cola is the perfect solution. Get started today and start seeing results in just one day!

Money :: The Landing Page in a Day course is a short and practical small course alongside templates to help someone launch their landing page with speed. The course has excellent reviews and testimonials of people having gotten results from it already. The funnel is already proven to convert to cold traffic (I run Facebook Paid ads directly to the sales page already) and you can be sure that your referrals will not only get great value for money but also get the results they expect. The funnel has multiple steps: $5 course $19 order bump OTO1 (upsell 1) at $97 OTO2 (upsell 2) at $97 Downsell at $30 x4 payment plan OTO 3 (upsell 3) at $77/year recurring subscription You get 50% commission on the the entire funnel except for OTO1 which is 20% commission (as this is a service with overheads, i.e. a 1-on-1 Zoom call with my tech support team). You can read all the information of the affiliate program for this funnel in the information page which gives all the details you need to know about why you should promote it and why your audience will love it. I welcome any questions, feel free to reach out to me at contact@eranbucai.com.

Released on Friday 28 April 2023 - Total : $242.40 - Past 30 days : $2.50 (1st tier : 20% - 50% - 2nd tier : 0%)

(Click here to get all the details in a new window)


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