Offer #12324 - Speed School
Speed School
What is Speed School?
Speed School is an innovative educational model that helps out-of-school children to return to education. It condenses three years of foundational literacy and numeracy into just one school year, allowing students to catch up with their peers and re-enter mainstream education at 3rd or 4th grade. Speed School has been designed by West African education experts in partnership with Strømme Foundation, Geneva Global, Luminos Fund, and local partners.
How Does Speed School Work?
Speed School works by providing a condensed curriculum that covers the same material as three years of primary school in just one year. This allows students to catch up with their peers and re-enter mainstream education at 3rd or 4th grade. The program also provides additional support such as mentorship, life skills training, and access to resources. Studies have shown that approximately 90% of children who participate in Speed School transition to the formal school system and continue their education.
How Can I Get Involved with Speed School?
If you are interested in getting involved with Speed School, there are several steps you can take. First, you should engage local government and stakeholders to ensure that the program is supported. Then, you should identify a local implementing partner and identify qualifying communities and classroom space. You should also engage parents and guardians, identify and recruit out-of-school children, refine the curriculum, recruit and train teachers to lead classes, teach classes, monitor and evaluate, and transfer graduates to host schools.
Speed School is an innovative educational model that helps out-of-school children to return to education. It condenses three years of foundational literacy and numeracy into just one school year, allowing students to catch up with their peers and re-enter mainstream education at 3rd or 4th grade. If you are interested in getting involved with Speed School, there are several steps you can take to ensure its success.
Health :: Speed School is a 6 week program organized into 3 training days per week. We use proven methods and techniques to train pro athletes so they can compete at the highest level, and be successful in their sport. In this program you will get access to video training that will show you the exact exercises and movements you will need to complete the workout. There is also a link to download a full meal plan with an included shopping list to make meal prep easy. This meal plan has been proven to help athletes get to the best shape of their life.
Released on Tuesday 22 November 2022 - Total : $0.30 - Past 30 days : $0 (1st tier : 15% - 2nd tier : 25%)
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SystemeIO :
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