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Offer #10743 - Bite Size Language Courses

Bite Size Language Courses

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Are you looking for an effective way to learn a new language? Bite Size Language Courses is the perfect solution for you! This innovative language learning program offers audio-based courses with 100 native speaker dialogues for beginners. It's the perfect way to get started on your language learning journey without feeling overwhelmed.

The courses are designed to help you improve your pronunciation and listening skills, and they come with lots of easy exercises and answer keys. Plus, you can click to listen on the free companion website or download all audios to listen on the go. You'll be reading complete sentences in your chosen language right from the second lesson, and the focus is on informal Standard Arabic, which is the ideal basis for learning any variety of Arabic.

The total vocabulary of fewer than 140 words lets you focus on learning the writing system, and everything is explained in easy-to-understand language. Handwritten examples help you practice writing, and big, easy-to-read Arabic print is used with ample transcription for pronunciation.

Bite Size Language Courses has been included as one of the five best books in Tutorful's 2018 Expert Guide to Learning Arabic. With this program, you can learn a new language without feeling overwhelmed or intimidated. So why not give it a try today?

Hobbies :: Bite Size is a series of listening practice courses for beginners, available to learners of Spanish, French, Italian, German, Russian, and Danish. With 100 practical, every-day dialogues the learner will find themselves immersed in an environment that quickly improves pronunciation, listening comprehension, and vocabulary - effortlessly. Each lesson also comes with additional learning tools like transcripts, translations, grammar notes, and even cultural lessons from the country where the language is spoken.

Released on Friday 5 August 2022 - Total : $136.50 - Past 30 days : $0 (1st tier : 50% - 2nd tier : 0%)

(Click here to get all the details in a new window)


SystemeIO :

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